BREVE ~ Show Review

Tesselating bass notes. Howls shooting through the XLR cable. Sticks jumping off the high hat, hands driving meters forward and back.
From their dreamily entrancing “lullabies” to their head-bang-inducing math-rock-esque ragers, BREVE’s surreal skill and palpable passion combine into a truly amazing impossible-to-keep-still kind of show. Looking across the stage, one notices the intense focus, the sheer feeling poured into each moment…all manifesting itself in a delightfully uncategorizable-genre package.
This band is another reason to hop the pond and visit some Aussies, my travel-curious friends. BREVE from Melbourne: an explosion of vivid energy and poignant passion; psych-rocky, wash-over-you goodness rivaled with jostling mosh-spurring rage. Pre-order their latest album, Nothing Stays the Same on .