Cambridge City Elections: Sophomore Will MacArthur Runs for School Committee

Will MacArthur, a lifelong resident of Cambridge, stopped by WHRB earlier this week to discuss his campaign for the Cambridge School Committee, views on hot-button education issues, and on his hopes for the future of the Cambridge Public School System. In a 15 minute interview with Joe Grochmal, Will expressed his commitment to supporting teachers, closing the achievement gap, and creating robust inclusive communities.Driven by this strong message and backed by reputable and diverse members of the Cambridge School System, Will makes a strong case for for youth engagement in the educational decision-making process.Through his words and actions, he inspires all of us to see how we can take past experiences and better our communities and ourselves.
Joe Grochmal is a correspondent for WHRB News. WHRB News' As We Know Itprogram airs every Sunday at 12:30pm.