In Support of WKCR and the Freedom to Broadcast

We stand with WKCR for its unwavering commitment to college radio journalism in the face of adversity. WKCR’s coverage of the pro-Palestinian campus encampment and the University’s escalating police presence is a testament to the resilience of a free press.
We are deeply alarmed by the unprecedented attempt by Columbia University Public Safety on April 19 to halt the live broadcast of WKCR, Columbia’s FM station, during a building evacuation. The chilling effect of this operation directly targeted the freedom of the press and was felt by college radio stations everywhere.
Friday served as a reminder that when institutions like Columbia employ indiscriminate force against student activists, even a “misunderstanding” can significantly impede the public’s access to information.
Shruti Gautam, President
Ashwin Sivakumar, General Manager
Molly Egan, Director of Events
Bea Wall-Feng, Rock Director
Claire Liu, Artist Relations Director
Nena King, Sports Director
Raghav Chopra, Jazz Director
Sharmila Dey, Studio Engineering Director
Sofia White, General Comp Director
Yael Goldstein, Classical Music Director
This statement solely reflects the views of its individual signatories.