The Element Orgy – Full Playlist with Explanations

(Orgy To Air 12/3 10 p.m. - 12/4 6 a.m. @ WHRB Cambridge 95.3 FM)

DJ Amanda Glazer and DJ Andy Kim

Ordered by Atomic Number:

1 - H - Hydrogen - “Hydrogen” - The Wilted

2 - He - Helium - “99 Luftballons” - Nena

Balloons (luftballons) are often filled with Helium, because Helium is less dense than air so it makes the balloons float.

3 - Li - Lithium - “Lithium” - Nirvana

4 - Be - Beryllium - “Beryllium” - The Jellybricks

5 - B - Boron - “Boron” - Octagrape

6 - C - Carbon - “Carbon Monoxide” - Cake

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas containing one carbon and one oxygen atom.

7 - N - Nitrogen - “Nitrogen” - Michael Brook

8 - O - Oxygen - “Oxygen” - Swans

9 - F - Fluorine - “Fluorine Overdose” - The Child

10 - Ne - Neon - “Neon Bible” - Arcade Fire

11 - Na - Sodium - “Sodium Vapor” - Lotus

12 - Mg - Magnesium - “Magnesium Light” - Dreamend

13 - Al - Aluminum - “Aluminum” - Seacats

14 - Si - Silicon - “Silicone Love” - The Yawpers

Silicone is a polymer containing Silicon.

15 - P - Phosphorus - “Phosphorous” - I See Spots

16 - S - Sulfur - “Sulfur” - Slipknot

17 - Cl - Chlorine - “Chlorine” - Jeans Wilder

18 - Ar - Argon - “Light Bulbs” - The Slaughterhouse 5

Incandescent light bulbs are typically filled with argon gas.

19 - K - Potassium - “Big (Rock’n) Yellow Joint” - David Schwartz

“Bananas and Blow” - Ween

Bananas are high in potassium with a medium sized banana (7” to 7-7/8" long) containing 422 mg of potassium. “Big Yellow Joint” and “Big (Rock’n) Yellow Joint” are both inspired by the banana stand in the comedy show Arrested Development.

20 - Ca - Calcium - “Calcium” - Pontius Copilot

21 - Sc - Scandium - “Scandinavian Girls” - Satellite Stories

Named from the latin word “Scandia” meaning “Scandinavia.” Scandinavian Girls come from Scandinavia.

22 - Ti - Titanium - “Titanium Expose” - Sonic Youth

“Titanium - Spanish Version” - David Guetta

23 - V - Vanadium - “Vanadium Voltage” - Q-Factory by Robert Etoll

24 - Cr - Chromium - “Chromium Bitch” - Gary Wilson

Beck has been heard to cite Gary Wilson as an influence.

25 - Mn - Manganese - “Theme from Manganese” - Manganese

26 - Fe - Iron - “My Iron Lung (Radiohead Cover)” - Stoneface Travellers

27 - Co - Cobalt - “Cobalt” - Erised

28 - Ni - Nickel - “Nickels and Dimes” - Social Distortion

Nickels are actually only 25% Nickel (and 75% Copper). “War Nickels” produced in the early 1940s have no Nickel in them (they contain copper, silver and manganese)! Dimes are 8% Nickel and 92% Copper.

29 - Cu - Copper - “Copper and Stars” - Planes Mistaken For Stars

30 - Zn - Zinc - “Zinc” - Aydio

31 - Ga - Gallium - “The Rooster” - OutKast

It is thought that the name “Gallium” might be a multilingual pun: the discoverer of Gallium is Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran. “Le coq” is french for “the rooster” and the latin word for “rooster” is “gallus.” Lecoq has denied this.

32 - Ge - Germanium - “German National Anthem”

Named after Germany.

33 - As - Arsenic - “Put Arsenic in the Frosting Next Time” - Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains

34 - Se - Selenium - “Photocopier” - Fujiya and Miyagi

Selenium’s properties are useful in photocopying.

35 - Br - Bromine - “Film Burn” - Yppah, Anomie Belle

Bromine is used in photographic film.

36 - Kr - Krypton - “American Kryptonite” - Five Iron Frenzy

Kryptonite is a material from Superman’s universe (home planet: Krypton).

37 - Rb - Rubidium - “Red Hot Moon” - Rancid

Rubidium’s name is derived from the latin word “rubidus” meaning "deep red" because of the bright red lines in its emission spectrum.

38 - Sr - Strontium - “The Source of Strontium 90” - Against All Authority

39 - Y - Yttrium - “Y Control” - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

40 - Zr - Zirconium - “Zirconium Ring” - Cruel, Cruel Moon

41 - Nb - Niobium - “Niobe” - Osala

Niobium had quite the name controversy. It was originally named Columbium in America, while Niobium was used in Europe. Eventually Niobium was chosen as the official name. Niobium was named after Niobe, daughter of Tantalus as Tantalum and Niobium have similar properties.

42 - Mo - Molybdenum- “Cauliflower” - Dan le Sac + Scroobius Pip

Some poor, young cauliflowers have a Molybdenum deficiency so Molybdenum is added to the fertilizer to prevent this.

43 - Tc - Technetium - “Red Giants” - The Bear

Technetium was found in red giants in 1952 which helped to prove that stars can produce heavier elements.

44 - Ru - Ruthenium - “Russian Tragedy” - The Wild Rover

It is named after the Russian Empire (one of Russia's Latin names is Ruthenia).

45 - Rh - Rhodium - “Volvo Driving Soccer Mom” - Everclear

The demand for Rhodium increased in 1976 when Volvo introduced the three-way catalytic converter which used Rhodium.

46 - Pd - Palladium - “Palladium” - Weather Report

47 - Ag - Silver - “Silver” - Echo & the Bunnymen

48 - Cd - Cadmium - “Cadmium” - Pinegrove

49 - In - Indium - “Indigo” - Old Wave

Indium is named after the indigo blue line in its spectrum.

50 - Sn - Tin - “Tin Soldier” - Small Faces

51 - Sb - Antimony - “Antimony” - Your Cat Is A Landmine

52 - Te - Tellurium - “Telluride” - Spyro Gyra

Telluride, Colorado was named after Tellurium. Tellurium forms Telluride ions.

53 - I - Iodine - “Iodine” - The Maudline Hounds

54 - Xe - Xenon - “Xenon Waterfall Jamb” - Xerxeese

55 - Cs - Cesium - “Caesium Baby” - Meretto

Cesium is also spelled Caesium.

56 - Ba - Barium - “Barium Springs” - New Radiant Storm King

57 - La - Lanthanum - “Hidden in a Lie” - Estrange

Lanthanum was named after the ancient Greek word “lanthanein” meaning “to lie hidden,” because it was first found as an impurity of cerium nitrate.

58 - Ce - Cerium - “Ceres” - Ceres is for Lovers

Cerium is named after the dwarf planet Ceres. The dwarf planet Ceres is named after the ancient Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility.

59 - Pr - Praseodymium - “Green-Eyed Twin” - Helsinki, Ray Suen

Praseodymium was named after the Greek words for “green” and “twin.” Praseodymium’s primary oxide is green. A rare earth oxide residue ‘didymium’ was separated into praseodymium and neodymium. Hence, green twin.

60 - Nd - Neodymium - “Magnets” - General Electriks

Neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets.

61 - Pm - Promethium - “Prometheus” - KXNG Crooked

Promethium is named after Prometheus, the Titan in Greek mythology.

62 - Sm - Samarium - “Motor” - Sebastian

Samarium is found in small motors.

63 - Eu - Europium - “Europium” - Zeus B. Held

64 - Gd - Gadolinium - “MRI” - The Boroughs

Gadolinium is useful for MRI.

65 - Tb - Terbium - “Fluorescent Light Ojizousan” - Youri Kun

Terbium Oxide is in Fluorescent lamps.

66 - Dy - Dysprosium - “Dysprosium” - Rescue Dogs

67 - Ho - Holmium - “Microwave” - Mumblr

Holmium is found in microwave equipment.

68 - Er - Erbium - “Pink Sunglasses” - Valley Ray

Erbium oxide has a pink color and is often used in sunglasses.

69 - Tm - Thulium - “X-Ray Style” - Joe Strummer

Thulium is the radiation source in portable x-ray devices.

70 - Yb - Ytterbium - “Yttersia” - Senjahopen

Ytterbium was named after the Swedish village Ytterby, where the component of Erbium was found.

71 - Lu - Lutetium - “Lutetium” - Dawn of Valor

72 - Hf - Hafnium - “Copenhagen Boogie” - Link Wray

Hafnium is named after Hafnia, the Latin name for Copenhagen, where it was discovered.

73 - Ta - Tantalum - “Tantalus feat. John Nuhn and Tiffany Stephens” - Jeremiah Akin

74 - W - Tungsten - “Tungsten Babalawo” - Georgia Anne Muldrow

“Tungsten” - Vaganaza Trailerpark

75 - Re - Rhenium - “Rhine Sagas” - Wolf People

Last stable element to be found, named after the river Rhine in Europe.

76 - Os - Osmium - “The Bouncer” - Osmium

77 - Ir - Iridium - “Iridium” - Robert W Hildreth

78 - Pt - Platinum - “Platinum Plus” - Big L and Big Daddy Kane

“Platinum Girls” - Diarrhea Planet

79 - Au - Gold - “The Gold Song” - The Bouncing Souls

80 - Hg - Mercury - “Mercury” - Moon Taxi

81 - Tl - Thallium - “Thallium Case” - Mulbo

82 - Pb - Lead - “Lead Existence” - King Krule

83 - Bi - Bismuth - “Bismuth” - Humanwine

84 - Po - Polonium - “Polonium” - Madee

85 - At - Astatine - “Astatine” - Perceptible Loudness

86 - Rn - Radon - “Radon Detector” - The Blind Shake

87 - Fr - Francium - “Champs-Elysees” - NOFX

Francium was named after France which is where it was discovered.

88 - Ra - Radium - “Radium Rag” - The Chop Tops

89 - Ac - Actinium - “Steal My Sunshine” - Len

Acinium’s name originates from Ancient Greek word aktis, aktinos which means ray or beam. “Ray of sunshine” is a phrase.

90 - Th - Thorium - “Thorium Emporium” - Tsunami Rising

91 - Pa - Protactinium - “Useless But Important Information” - Jimmy Buffett

There are currently no uses for Protactinium outside of scientific research.

92 - U - Uranium - “Uranium Rock” - The Cramps

93 - Np - Neptunium - “Moving to Neptune” - CRUISR

This element was named after Neptune. Note also that it is next to Uranium which is named after Uranus.

94 - Pu - Plutonium - “Plutonium” - The Arcs

95 - Am - Americium - “Americium 241” - Atomic Bride

96 - Cm - Curium - “Marie Curie” - The Black Spoons

Curium was named after Marie and Pierre Curie.

97 - Bk - Berkelium - “Berkeley by Hearseback” - Why?

Named after Berkeley, California.

98 - Cf - Californium - “Going to California” - Led Zeppelin

Named after California.

99 - Es - Einsteinium - “Einstein on the Beach” - Counting Crows

Named after Einstein.

100 - Fm - Fermium - “Fermi Paradox” - Hank Green

Named after Enrico Fermi, nuclear physicist.

101 - Md - Mendelevium - “Dmitri Mendeleev” - Astronautalis

Named after Dmitri Mendeleev, father of the periodic table.

102 - No - Nobelium - “Desolation Row - Take 2, Piano Demo” - Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016 (the year of this orgy).

103 - Lr - Lawrencium - “Ernest Lawrence and the Cyclotron” - Sins of Godless Men

Named after Ernest Lawrence, inventor of the Cyclotron.

104 - Rf - Rutherfordium - “The Ghosts of Ernest Rutherford For Drain Comissioner” - the drownies

Named after Ernest Rutherford.

105 - Db - Dubnium - “Dubna” - E:Trinity

Named after Dubna, town in Russia.

106 - Sg - Seaborgium - “I’m Still Alive” - The Notion

The first and so far only element to be named after a person who was alive when the name was announced.

107 - Bh - Bohrium - “Niels Bohr” - Gay Against You

Named after Niels Bohr.

108 - Hs - Hassium - “Mir sin Hesse” - Strassenjungs

Named after German state of Hess.

109 - Mt - Meitnerium - “Lise” - Ben L’Oncle Soul

Named after Lise Meitner.

110 - Uun/Ds - Ununnilium / Darmstadtium - “Mudslinger” - Suuns

111 - Uuu/Rg - Unununium/Roentgenium - “Roentgenium” - Embol

“Entire Set” - NHK (album: Unununium)

112 - Cn - Copernicium - “Copernicus” - The Seasons

“Copernicus” - The Long Winter

Named after the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.

113 - Uut - Ununtrium / Nihonium - “Nihon Chiri Rap” - cokeiou, Jun

Named after Nihon, the Japanese word for Japan.

114 - Fl - Flerovium - “Heavy Fucking Metal” - Fenrir

Flerovium is the heaviest known member of the carbon group. Also the heaviest element whose chemistry is currently known. Super heavy.

115 - Uup/Mc - Ununpentium/Moscovium - “Moscow” - Autoheart

Named after Moscow Oblast where Dubna is located.

116 - Lv - Livermorium - “That Girl - Larry Livermore” - The Queers

Named after Livermore, California.

117 - Uus - Ununseptium/Tennessine - “Down Under” - Men at Work

Was first synthesised in 2010 by Russian scientists, but for an element to be accepted into the periodic table a second separate creation is needed. This second creation took place in Australian which is the first time Australia has helped with the creation of an element. “Down Under” is about an Australian man. Men at Work are an Australian band.

118 - Uuo - Ununoctium/Oganesson - “Fuck Donald Trump” - Og Swaggerdick

This is the highest element. Og is the abbreviation we gave to the element Orgy. Og Swaggerdick has a song called “super sonic.” Fuck Donald Trump.

General Periodic Table Songs

“The Periodic Table” - Oort Kuiper

“The Periodic Table Song.” - Mike Culligan

Listen to the full playlist on Spotify here: