Guitar Lessons from Roger Daltrey, Success in Latin America, and New Music: An Interview with Drake Bell

Drake Bell sat down with ZUCKER host Andrew Zucker to talk about his new song, “Fuego Lento,” and discuss how he first learned how to play the guitar. The duo also spoke about the song “Found A Way,” and Bell spoke about what’s ahead for him musically.
On how he learned to play guitar: I started playing the guitar probably around 10 or 11. Around that same time, I had to make a movie where I was actually luckily enough a guitar student in the movie and had to learn how to play guitar. And Roger Daltrey was in that movie with me. So it was really cool, I got to sit down on set with him and be able to basically get guitar lessons from a rock god. It was pretty rad.
On his success in Latin America: We released a record and it did really well down there. I went down there to tour it, the show was doing well, record did well, so I don’t know. It was just one of those things. It’s unexplainable really.
On his edgier music: It’s just what I’ve been doing in the studio. I think just I like to make music I want to listen to.... Whatever I’m making is usually a reflection of what I’m listening to at the moment I guess.