Historic Performances: 7 November

The Polish pianist and teacher Theodor Leschetizky_. Public domain._
Historic Performances: 7 November
Villa-Lobos: A prole do bebê, Books 1 and 2; van Barentzen (apr, 1956)
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in d; Neveu, Susskind, Philharmonia Orchestra (Pristine Classical, 1945)
Bach: Sonata for Solo Violin in a, S. 1003; Heifetz (Pristine Classical, 1952)
Chopin: Nocturne in D-flat, Op. 27, No. 2; Leschetizky (archiphon, 1906)
Leschetizky: Les deux alouettes; Leschetizky (archiphon, 1906)
Kevin Wang is a producer for the Classical Music Department and the host of Historic Performances on Sundays from 6-8 PM.