Tinashe Brings the Heat to Big Night Live

// Image courtesy of Brenda Ceja
“That was the best show of my life!” is what I exclaimed to my friends around me at the end of Tinashe’s magical performance at Big Night Live in Boston on Wednesday, September 29, 2021. Truly a performer at heart, Tinashe made sure to put on a SHOW! With a full stage, backup dancers, amazing choreography, and an extensive setlist spanning over 30 songs, Tinashe and co. exceeded all of my expectations that Wednesday night.
// Images courtesy of Brenda Ceja
DJ Suga Shay started the party with some City Girls and other party bangers. She got the floor moving before REI AMI took the stage. REI AMI brought great energy to the crowd. She shouted out all the Bad B*tches in the room, reminding them to never let another person make them feel small. REI AMI also ended her performance with a heartfelt thank you to her fans, the REIbies, stating, “Yes my fanbase shares a name with a feral disease, because I want them feral for me.”
// Image Courtesy of Brenda Ceja
Tinashe then made her grand appearance. Starting off the set with “I Can See the Future,” from her latest album 333, she performed an exquisite choreography while the audience sang along to every word. With a grand total of 30+ songs performed, there were many highlights of the night. My personal stand-out tracks were “X,” “Link Up,” “2 On,” “All Hands on Deck,” and the trampoline heavy “Bouncin’.” But truly every song was an incredible live experience. After a beautiful rendition of “Undo (Back to My Heart),” the pop star ran back out for a lively encore of “Pasadena” that had the whole crowd bouncin’.
// Image courtesy of Brenda Ceja.
// Brenda Ceja ‘23 aka B LUZ is a Staff Writer and DJ for The Darker Side. When they aren’t rambling about how much they love WHRB, they are playing old-school House, Hip-Hop, and Soul on the air.