WHRB Reviews Andrew Belle

Concerts allow us unique opportunities to humanize artists we idolize and spend hours upon hours listening to in our free time. One thing was absolute on August 4: the music, the press, and the face behind Andrew Belle are very human. His engagement with the audience was visible when he recounted comedic stories about his experiences with fans and launched an impromptu Q and A session (which I unfortunately was too nervous to participate in — but I did learn his favorite song is “Round Here” by Counting Crows).
Walking on stage without a word, Andrew immediately started playing “Black Bear,” a song that instantaneously quieted the crowd and set the dramatic performance tone. The stage lighting was unique and seemed to follow the mood of Belle’s music. Oftentimes, he appeared only half visible as if his only role was as a canvas for the lighting. A few songs in, Belle switched instruments to his guitar and started off with his song “In My Veins.” His performance stirred up an eerie and longing ambiance in The Sinclair — certainly a different experience than listening to this well known song online. His ability to embed emotion into his songs and convey that to every audience member was absolutely extraordinary.
It was difficult not to see people mouthing along wistfully (and on some occasions crying). He masterfully finished off with his cover of “Fade into You.” Sung in-person, his cover was exponentially more romantic and pure than the original. It was a fitting note to end on, as the performance did not have an abrupt end, but a gradual fade. Andrew Belle in concert is can't-miss for any fan of his.
Review by Daniel Bodea and Edited by Jess Eng, WHRB Blues Department