WARNING: An unknown number of dangerous journeymen ("DJs") have escaped containment and taken over the RECORD HOSPITAL. The only way to defeat them is by listening to their strange music, which plays every weeknight from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday |
glooo + c!lle | dinos | szcc* + basel | ev¡l* |
naiad + teri | b4ngz + jüju? + -boü- | castl | metro |
junco | jujrz + ekho + omen? + filet | c!lle | wigbe |
squ!d // circe | scéal // woman | mouse + lexa! // tesla | uggoh |
gumby | psuby | bodie + jessi | |
arzna | archr |
dj glooo
fake name: annabel
showtime: mondays, 10 - 11 p.m. with dj c!lle
Annabel is a sophomore in Dunster studying math. She enjoys making ceramic octopi, drawing pictures, playing frisbee, and climbing plastic rocks.
show: Music Director slot — plays recently released music, ideally from local artists.
album recommendation: Yo La Tengo — Fakebook

dj c!lle
fake name: lucille
showtime: mondays, 10 - 11 p.m. with dj glooo and thursdays, 12:30 - 2 a.m.
c!lle lives under the sea in cabot house and spends her time mostly contemplating the tree outside of her window and curating spotify playlists with cryptic titles. on the side she studies the earth (mostly the ocean) and crushes rocks.
show: low tide — smells like sulfur and feels like skipping a smooth stone on the sea. realistically, it sounds like indie rock accompanied by math psetting. occasionally, she might pull a couple of pieces of poetry out of her tackle box and see if anything wants to take a bite out of her lines.
album recommendation: Trophy Wife — Get Ugly

dj naiad
fake name: bea
showtime: mondays, 11 p.m. - 12 a.m. with dj teri
Bea studies history and literature. She likes dance music, keening, all lutes and zithers, and songs that could have been recorded in a dream.
show: Fun Animal Facts — “Whales Have Five Stomachs.” Can't believe it? Sorry, that's what it said on the radio. Call us at 617-495-WHRB to dispute.
album recommendation: Chuquimamani-Condori – DJ E

dj teri
fake name: will
showtime: mondays, 11 p.m. to 12 a.m. with dj naiad
Will is a dedicated wildlife researcher with a wealth of field experience and academic credentials. He specializes in animal communities and social habits, a long understudied area of zoology. He enjoys teaching others about the wonders of nature through his radio show.
show: Fun Animal Facts — Everyone should tune in for educational content occasionally interrupted by music breaks and the general live harassment and wrangling of a Record Hospital director.
album recommendation: Soundtrack to Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (2006)

dj junco
fake name: lena
showtime: tuesdays, 12 - 1 a.m.
lena is a good-hearted lass hearkening from portland, oregon, home of elliott smith, whose music it took her many years to exchange for a diverse cohort of indie-folk-rock lyricists with a smattering of certifiably strange tunes she digs up from who-knows-where. she is a member of the osage nation and you will often find indigenous artists featured on her show. her favorite color is green and if there is a plant in boston she has yet to abduct, please contact her at your earliest convenience. if spotted in public, buy her a chai latte and she will befriend you immediately.
show: THE JUNK DRAWER - An eclectic mix of music, reminiscent of when when your dad sends you to "the junk drawer" in the kitchen as a child to find a phillips screwdriver, or a headlamp, or a measuring tape, and you almost cut your finger on some poking-up nail or get distracted looking for sharpies that still have ink. Each week features a different country which I have travelled to in the past eight months (London - Spain - Morocco - Portugal - France - Norway - Finland - New Zealand). In addition to these eight weeks there will be Indigenous music weeks sprinkled in (and Indigenous artists will be featured in each country-based playlist) because, as a member of the Osage Nation, I can confirm that ndns know how to ROCK!
album recommendation: Deerlady, Mali Obomsawin, Magdalena Abrego - Greatest Hits

dj squ!d
fake name: sofia
showtime: tuesdays, 1 - 2:30 a.m. (every other week)
Sofia is a junior studying biology and government. She has been really into more international music recently, specifically latin rock and indie. Anyway, you'll likely find her looking for new artists as a way to procrastinate readings for class.
show: I hope to create a set that combines some familiar indie/punk/rock sounds with more international influence and new melodies.
album recommendation: The Last Dinner Party — Prelude to Extasy

dj circe
fake name: jane
showtime: tuesdays, 1 - 2:30 a.m. (every other week)
jane is from new york city and was, until recently, desperately searching for a different fun fact to start out her bio. she studies classics and lives in cabot house. growing up, she was was raised on aimee mann, the replacements, and squeeze. you can imagine how popular that made her in 5th grade.
show: tuesdays with jane — has no defining characteristics. she plays music, but you can tune in for the occasional poetry reading.
album recommendation: Proper Youth — Rusty Grand Am EP

dj gumby
fake name: tom
showtime: tuesdays, 2:30 - 4 a.m.
gumby is a rising sophomore at the college studying in the Social Studies department. his favorite music genres include rock, country, folk, and pop music. he also participates in the Harvard Rugby Football Club and the First-Year Outdoor Program.
show: gumby's gumballs — listen because it is on
album recommendation: Genevieve - Fust

dj dinos
fake name: dinos
showtime: tuesdays, 10 - 11 p.m.
Dinos plays on the radio obscure records from around the world, of all kinds, and from various different eras.
show: Our Little Rendez-vous
album recommendation: many but none in particular

dj b4ngz
fake name: meghna
showtime: tuesdays, 11 p.m. - 12 a.m. with djs -boü- and jüju?
Meghna is a senior in Cabot House studying computer science and environmental science. She loves live music, coming up with random themes for her sets, and going on really really long walks.
album recommendation: FKA twigs — CAPRISONGS

dj jüju?
fake name: julian
showtime: tuesdays, 11 p.m. - 12 a.m. with djs b4ngz and -boü-
jüju‽ lives in the treetops of currier and only comes down to burn rubber and hurl plastic. he studies brains and buildings. top beverages include ginger ale, propel™, and choccy milk. he longs for a bartering economy and will fix your bike in exchange for consumable goods.
show: juju‽'s -boü-'s and b4ngz — eclectic and aspirationally thematic. if you guess our theme before we announce it (impossible) you can replace us
album recommendation: Nonadaptation — SE SO NEON

dj -boü-
fake name: amber
showtime: tuesdays, 11 p.m. - 12 a.m. with djs b4ngz and jüju?
-boü- is a senior with a word salad major (history and literature, modern world, with a joint in east asian studies, language track) and lots of love for RH and the WHRB community in general. if you call during her air with besties b4ngz and juju‽ she'll serenade you (she's never been called).
show: juju‽'s -boü-'s and b4ngz — going on its fourth year on air. fun, fresh, cute and just three pals hanging out playing eclectic indie music tied by a new theme each week. (In the past we've done falling on ice, interludes, vampires, surf n turf, etc.)
album recommendation: jimmy hunt — maladie d'amour
dj jujrz
fake name: julia
showtime: wednesdays, 12 - 1 a.m. with djs ekho, omen, and filet
jujrz heard this joke once. She desperately wishes she could remember it.
show: SJMV — you should listen because sometimes we tell secrets on air.
album recommendation: Hinterland - Aim
dj ekho
fake name: sofia
showtime: wednesdays, 12 - 1 a.m. with djs jujrz, omen, and filet
Sofia is a junior HistSci and Eng concentrator, printmaker and poetry writer, and lover of WHRB. She appreciates shoegaze, indie rock, folk, and latin jams and is a fiend for live music of any kind.
show: SJMV — sometimes known as "sorry, just marauding viciously". you should listen because it is simply heat on repeat. During our set, omen?, jujrz, filet, and I curate an eclectic hour of shoegaze, funk, punk, and all else that tickles our fancy, mingled with our philosophical commentary best compared to a classical symposium. Listen to our set and we'll keep you on your toes and keep them tapping too.
album recommendation: Jessica Pratt — On Your Own Love Again
dj omen
fake name: molly
showtime: wednesdays, 12 - 1 a.m. with djs jujrz, ekho, and filet
omen? is always looking for signs of things to come.
show: SJMV — she changes on the whim, she never gets where she needs to be. she is the venerable sarah jessica marker.
album recommendation: Magic is Pocketed - Peel Dream Magazine

dj filet
fake name: violet
showtime: wednesdays, 12 - 1 a.m. with djs jujrz, ekho, and omen?
Violet likes bubblegum ice cream and the state of Maine.
show: SJMV — I’m not sure what it’s about. Listen to find out!
album recommendation: Yoko Ono - Yes I’m A Witch

dj scéal
fake name: kit
showtime: wednesdays, 1 - 2 a.m. (every other week)
[User's Name] is a dynamic and multi-talented individual who thrives in the intersection of music, movement, and performance. As a college-radio DJ, they curate eclectic playlists that captivate listeners with a mix of underground beats and hidden gems. Beyond the airwaves, they are a skilled dancer, aerialist, and performer of physical theater, bringing stories to life through their artistry and physical prowess. Whether spinning tracks, soaring through the air, or embodying characters on stage, [User's Name] seamlessly blends creativity and physicality, leaving a lasting impression on every audience they encounter.
show: Psychomania — Unleash the chaos with Psychomania, where an undead biker gang of sound crashes through your brain. Tune in for an unpredictable ride of rock, indie, and alternative tracks that will leave your senses reeling.
album recommendation: No Window — Point Nemo

dj woman
fake name: kyra
showtime: wednesdays, 1 - 2 a.m. (every other week)
Woman is a senior at the college, studying English and AFVS. She loves walking, musicals, and rain ☺️☺️
show: Women’s world — listen if you ❤️ women’s rights and women’s wrongz
album recommendation: Benee — Fire On Marzzz

dj psuby
fake name: ian
showtime: wednesdays, 2 - 3:30 a.m.
psuby is a music (listening) enthusiast with interests ranging from building niche electronics to environmental science to listening to garage rock. They're a senior at Harvard studying Earth and Planetary Sciences as well as Integrative Biology.
show: The Dead of Night - My show highlights indie rock, garage rock, and hometown hero artists that are looking to make it big. Listen to my show to get a taste of the local scene at various places!
album recommendation: Sincere Engineer - Rhombithian

dj arzna
fake name: helena
showtime: wednesdays, 4 - 5 a.m.
arzna is a lame-o physics student with a love for equally lame-o music. she loves midwestern emo and shoegaze shit, or anything that sounds like a messy gay loser made it. find her escaping the event horizon of her psets in the rh lounge.
show: desert air — wanna know what it feels like to get lost in a desert? have a drink at this midnight oasis :p
album recommendation: ha vay - baby i’m the wolf

dj szcc*
fake name: shruti
showtime: wednesdays, 10 - 11:30 p.m. with dj basel
/szcc* is named in honor of the suzy creamcheese Frank Zappa groupies, and Record Hospital is the only thing she’s stuck with throughout college. First band in English she listened to was the Doors, and since then she’s been into all sorts of noises and all sorts of lyrics. Into over the ear headphones, long nails, clothes that puff up or wrinkle in cool ways, music that sounds like food, movies that look like food, books (especially super short or super long ones), not finishing books, music that sounds like it’s underwater, shitty covers, and people who can talk about what they’re into.
show: Her weekly show is with /basel, who have been doing weekly shows together for all of college. They’ve never had a theme, except for when they find one after they’ve picked all their music (i.e. dying recording studios, great molasses flood, songs that sound like [insert artist])
album recommendation: Japancakes - Giving Machines

dj basel
fake name: ellie
showtime: wednesdays, 10 - 11:30 p.m. with dj szcc*
Friend of man. Foe of Lou Reed and John Cale's 1990 album Songs for Drella. Normal hobbies include yoga, watercolor painting, and trying to memorize The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Rumored to study stem cell and regenerative biology and anthropology. Barista in a past life.
show: On air with szcc* (Shruti) <3 Tune in because she's Madame President and she said so!
album recommendation: Various Artists — If I Were A Carpenter. Compilation album of Carpenters covers :)

dj castl
fake name: nick
showtime: wednesdays, 11:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Nick studies computer science and philosophy. He has been a part of WHRB for three years and is a former RH comp director. He loves discovering new genres of music and listens to everything from Colombian salsa to proto-punk.
show: Comp on Air — People should listen to learn more about the history and origins of punk.
album recommendation: JPEGMAFIA — I LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR YOU

dj mouse
fake name: melina
showtime: thursdays, 2 - 3:30 a.m. with dj lexa! (every other week)
Melina is currently a sophomore concentrating in government. When not immersed in legislative theory, she indulges in her love for foosball and terrible movies. Her music taste largely falls under indie rock and shoegaze.
show: We ask terrible jokes to one another on the show. It works well because there’s two people, one to ask the question and one to deliver the joke. Because the jokes will be so bad and corny, it would make the audience member groan, or even laugh, providing a lighthearted atmosphere to the show.
album recommendation: The American Analog Set — Know By Heart

dj lexa!
fake name: alexa
showtime: thursdays, 2 - 3:30 a.m. with dj mouse (every other week)
Alexa is a sophomore who studies neuroscience and philosophy. In her free time, you can find her reading Dostoyevsky or watching Instagram reels. She is a shoegaze, garage punk, and noise-pop fanatic.
show: mouse and i tell corny jokes in addition to our fantabulous music selection, perhaps from a dad joke book. after our joke, we play laugh sounds from my meme soundboard.
album recommendation: makeout reef — existential

dj tesla
fake name: nathan
showtime: thursdays, 2 - 3:30 a.m. (every other week)
Tesla is a sophomore from the south shore of Massachusetts. He is excited to share local Mass artists on his show. He enjoys traveling, biking, trivia, and Mario Kart.
show: Scene Spotlight - each segment will focus on the music of scene of a specific city, region, or neighborhood currently or during a past era. This way of viewing artists will allow listeners to see the context in which the artists have developed.
album recommendation: learn to speak - learn to speak EP

dj ev¡l*
fake name: evelyn
showtime: thursdays, 10 - 11 p.m.
Evelyn's Spotify daylist is currently titled "tender surf rock late night."
show: La Desvelada — listen to it because evelyn’s partner, grandfather, and mother are stuck in an impasse over who could be her biggest fan and you might be able to break that tie
album recommendation: beabadoobee — This Is How Tomorrow Moves

dj metro
fake name: marco
showtime: thursdays, 11 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Marco Joven Domínguez is a fourth-year philosophy concentrator from the San Fernando Valley, CA. Constantly “on the move,” Marco usually finds himself taking long walks, in good company, and sharing music with others. He loves running around looking for something new. Most importantly, he is on a perpetual search for all of the world’s gazebos.
show: Metro on the Move — presents the best of up-and-coming alternative punk and rock from the (San Fernando) Valley and beyond, brought to you by 818-based Marco “Metro” Joven Domínguez.
album recommendation: Diners - Domino

dj wigbe
fake name: jamie
showtime: fridays, 12 - 1:30 a.m.
Music is Dj Wigbe’s conduit of expression. When he needs to unlock an emotion: happy, sad, angry; music is where he turns. His favorite artists range from the angsty car seat headrest, the soft big thief, to some blow your speakers out kinda artists like Three 6 mafia. Tune into his show!
show: Gligbe — the combination of myself and DJ Glinky. We have the best DJ chemistry on campus and truly love the music we play on air. Plus, we will answer any audience question!
album recommendation: Mac Miller — Faces

dj uggoh
fake name: priya
showtime: fridays, 1:30 - 3 a.m.
uggoh lives in quincy house but also dc when she misses her dog. the first song she ever downloaded onto her iPod was “sail” by awolnation. now she listens to experimental feminist rock but deep down she misses when “sail” could fulfill her. in her free time, she plays the sims 4 and thinks about how cool it would be if she had more productive hobbies. her favorite artists are elliott smith, the divine comedy, haley henderickx, and radiohead, but she really does listen to everything. oh. and she likes buildings.
show: the taddy puddle — where all problems are forgotten. excerpt for uggoh’s. but she makes YOU forget YOUR problems with really awesome rock (alternative, experimental, noise, twee, bossa-nova-ish) and accounts of her own failings! come on, hop in! the water is lovely.
album recommendation: the delgados - hate

dj bodie
fake name: ruby
showtime: fridays, 3 - 4 a.m. with dj jessi
Bodie is a sophomore living in Leverett House (#levlaughlove) and concentrating in Psychology. Music-wise, she enjoys a little bit of everything—from Bob Dylan and Bowie to Adrienne Lenker, and recently, a little bit of EDM (yikes). She is a lover and appreciator of all things music and will always be willing to talk your ear off about her musical fixation of the week (or day).
show: Big Time Yearners — aka BTY, hosted by Bodie and Jessi (aka the Big Time Yearners). Contrary to the name, it’s not all yearning ballads (though those aren’t entirely exempt); 'big time yearning' is more of an overall vibe the two bring to the table, and it’s also an inside joke born from an all-nighter orgy in the spring of '24. Celebrating all kinds of indie artists, BTY is the place to be for all your post-punk, angsty needs, along with some other fun finds along the way.
album recommendation: Little Big League — These Are Good People

dj jessi
fake name: kaitlin
showtime: fridays, 3 - 4 a.m. with dj bodie
Kaitlin is a senior and is super excited to be a first-time dj with WHRB. She loves indie rock, folk rock, alt rock (etc etc) and any song that makes you think, 'huh this song is kind of weird'.
show: Big Time Yearners — aka BTY, hosted by Bodie and Jessi (aka the Big Time Yearners). Contrary to the name, it’s not all yearning ballads (though those aren’t entirely exempt); 'big time yearning' is more of an overall vibe the two bring to the table, and it’s also an inside joke born from an all-nighter orgy in the spring of '24. Celebrating all kinds of indie artists, BTY is the place to be for all your post-punk, angsty needs, along with some other fun finds along the way.
album recommendation: The Rosewood Thieves - Rise & Shine

dj archr
fake name: anne
showtime: fridays, 4 - 5 a.m.
archr is a Junior in the polar bear house. They love steak au poivre, draft beer, and hotel lounges with afternoon tea offerings.
show: The Quiver — features a range of genres, including punk, electronic, experimental, metal, and atmospheric. Tune in for dynamic genre switching and for a unique international flavor.
album recommendation: Mao Daichi — La Durione